As we grow older our skin collagen slowly diminishes the result being the development of laxity and wrinkles. Thermage uses a revolutionary radiofrequency technology which applies heat to the deeper layers of the dermis and achieves in rejuvenating and tightening the skin and replenishing the collagen (by directly stimulating the fibroblasts to produce collagen). The Thermage treatment is concluded in a single session . The skin tightening effect begins immediately after the treatment and reaches its maximum 6 months later.

The results are:

1) The skin is tighter and more smooth.
2) The jaw line is more defined and skin across it less shaggy.
Fine wrinkles all across the face exhibit remarkabe improvement, around the mouth eyes and forehead and the skin underneath the chin is very much tightened.

The Thermage treatment when applied to the eyelid area helps with the periorbital wrinkles and the "bags" in the lower eyelid. Altogether  the area gets rejuvenated and the eyes appear more youthful and less tired. The Thermage treatment can be applied all year long and is not restricted by skin colour or photoperiod.

After the treatment, there is no need for any care or recovery period and the person can return immediately to his/her everyday activities.

Thermage treatments offer long lasting results that may reach up to 2 or 3 years and some patients have even reported changes that reached up to 5 years. Lately Thermage is used in conjuction with various other treatments such as Botox, laser and fillers to really enhance and rejuvenate the face.

The Thermage treatment is always applied by properly and exclusively trained medical doctors in our offices.