A new alternative to aggressive peels is a series of cool peels formulated by South African Plastic Surgeon Dr. Des Fernandes.
Dr. Des Fernandes started doing a series of lighter peels on his patients in the early 80's and found that after 6 months the results were comparable to that a deep peel, without the down-time and long term side effects. Patients are delighted with the results and even more so as there is no downtime.

A chemical peel is a process whereby a specially formulated acid is applied to the skin. Usually high concentration of acid is used to ensure deep penetration.
Cool peel is different because it is formulated in a gel or a cream. This creates the concept of cool peel , meaning as the peel is applied, the water evaporates, cooling the skin. These peels are very safe and well tolerated by the patients.

Our skin care specialist can choose from four specially-formulated skin peel systems in varying strengths (TCA peels and Lactic acid peels) to meet your specific needs.

Since all medical measures should be taken so as to produce a very safe, we will determine that the skin is suitable and that there is an indication to peel.  The indications to peel are acne, skin aging (rough skin, fine lines and wrinkles), rosacea and superficial pigmentation

Our skin care specialist will explain everything to you and recommend Pre and Post- treatment skin care products at home to maximize the results and assist in rapid healing.
The cool peel treatments follow a protocol of 4 sessions once a week and that will last for one year after which it is to be repeated again.
Such minimally invasive treatments achieve in producing remarkable results without any discomfort or downtime and that is the precise reason for which they are so popular and successful.
